Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Mountain bike camp

I spent the weekend at Whistler at the awesome Dirt Series mountain bike camp. Why I never took lessons before is absolutely beyond me. Perhaps I could have saved myself some broken bones if I'd had some instruction earlier. In any case, the quality of the teaching was excellent, and I felt like I made some big breakthroughs.
In typical west coast fashion, Sunday was teeming with rain. Despite the mud puddles and slick wet rock we went out and rode a bunch of scary features with the instructors. So when the sun shone on Monday, it was time to try out the newly learned skills in the park.
Usually the wide angle lens makes the steepness hard to discern in mountain biking videos. But luckily, a helpful human volunteer scoped out the big drop on Schleyer providing a sense of scale.

Then it was on to riding the steep rocks on the Lower Whistler Downhill. Fun was had by all.