Sunday, March 30, 2008


What's that glow coming from the bottom of the blender? Why yes, it's home made mayonnaise.

This is not hummous. Don't eat it by the spoonful.

Last time I made mayonnaise it separated and was rather nasty looking, so I'm very pleased that it worked out this time. It seems the two secrets are warm eggs and extreme patience while adding the oil to the blender. Serve with fries and fish.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Mussels and fries

Chris borrowed his parents' deep fryer. So after years of fantasizing it was time for mussels, fries, and beer night. I tried making mayonnaise, which was difficult. Despite the stern warnings of the recipe I added the oil too quickly and the mayonnaise separated. Slightly strange texture aside, it was mighty tasty with the fries.
The mussels were steamed in a sauce of shallots, garlic, red onions, white wine, and bay leaves. Simple and delicious. Despite the Belgo's recommendation of 1kg of mussels per person, I'd say .5kg per person would still provide a feast.